Nazanin Andalibi, Ph.D.
We are looking for people who identify as LGBTQ and who have experienced a pregnancy loss during the past two years.
Research Objectives:
The purpose of the study is to understand LGBTQ people’s experiences with pregnancy loss and social media’s role in these experiences.
The study entails an interview session during which we will learn about your experience with pregnancy loss and related technology use (e.g., social media). The entire session will take approximately 60-90 minutes, and will occur over video or audio call of your choice (e.g., skype).
Information for Research Subjects Eligibility:
Minimum eligibility criteria to participate in this interview study include the following: a) self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) or another sexual/gender minority person; b) have experienced pregnancy loss or been in an intimate partnership in which a pregnancy was lost; c) use any type of social media; d) live in the United States; and e) be over the age of 18. Taking part in this research project is voluntary.
If you are interested in participating, we ask that you fill in a short screening survey that takes 2-5 minutes. If you are eligible to participate, we will follow up with you to set up an interview time.
We will offer a $25 Amazon gift card for participating in our interview study and allowing us to learn from you.
For further information:
If you are interested in participating in this study and have questions, please contact the study’s PI, Nazanin Andalibi at:
If you are interested in participating, you can visit THIS page to fill in a screening survey, and we will continue from there.
The University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board has determined that this research is exempt from IRB oversight.
More Details on the Interview Study
Project Title
LGBTQ people's disclosure and support seeking on social media when experiencing pregnancy loss
Project Team
Principal Investigator: Nazanin Andalibi, PhD, School of Information, University of Michigan
Co-investigator: Lee Roosevelt, PhD, MPH, CNM, School of Nursing, University of Michigan
Co-investigator: Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, PhD, MSW, School of Social Work, University of Michigan
Graduate Student: Kylie Wojciechowski, School of Information, University of Michigan
Study Sponsor: University of Michigan, MCubed 3.0
Invitation to be Part of a Research Study
You are invited to participate in a research study. In order to participate, you must: a) self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) or another sexual/gender minority person; b) have experienced pregnancy loss or been in an intimate partnership in which a pregnancy was lost; c) use any type of social media; d) live in the United States; and e) be over the age of 18. Taking part in this research project is voluntary.
Important Information about the Research Study
Things you should know:
The purpose of the study is to understand how multiple intersecting stigmatized identities/experiences (LGBTQ, pregnancy loss) inform disclosure and support seeking decisions and outcomes on and beyond social media.
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete an individual interview that will be audio-recorded and transcribed (but not video recorded). The interview will occur over video or voice call of your choice.
The interview will take approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
Risks or discomforts from this research include potential discomfort discussing your experience with pregnancy loss or LGBTQ stigma. There are no obvious physical, legal, financial, or economic risks associated with participating in this study.
There are no direct tangible benefits to participating in this study. However, you may experience relief or catharsis due to sharing your experience, and your information will help us design social technologies to meet LGBTQ people’s needs after pregnancy loss.
Taking part in this research project is voluntary. You don’t have to participate and you can stop at any time with no penalties.
What is the study about and why are we doing it?
Social media platforms provide novel contexts for sharing information, self-disclosure, and support exchange, especially when people experience stigma or distress. LGBTQ people who experience pregnancy loss face significant challenges, for example due to the intersection of a stigmatized experience (pregnancy loss) and identity (gender and/or sexual minority status). This project’s goal is to uncover needs for support and disclosure (on and beyond social media) after pregnancy loss for LGBTQ people. This work will contribute to more inclusive social technology and media design.
What will happen if you take part in this study?
If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete an individual interview that will be audio-recorded and transcribed (but not video recorded). The interview will occur over video or voice call of your choice(e.g., skype). The interview will take approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
How could you benefit from this study?
There are no direct tangible benefits to you from participating in this study. However, others have reported experiencing relief and catharsis due to sharing their experience. You will also play a significant role in helping us design social technologies to meet people’s needs after pregnancy loss and will contribute to greater good.
What risks might result from being in this study?
There are no obvious physical, legal, financial, or economic risks associated with participating in this study. The psychological effects on you will be no greater than the effect of having a conversation about your experience with pregnancy loss or LGBTQ stigma and discrimination. If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the session, you may stop the interview or skip any questions at any time that you choose with no penalty.
How will we protect your information?
We plan to publish the results of this study. To protect your privacy, we will not include any information that could identify you in any way. It is possible that others may need to see the information you give us as part of the study, such as organizations responsible for making sure the research is done safely and properly like the University of Michigan IRB or government offices. To minimize risk of breach of confidentiality, all participants and their data will be given pseudonyms or participant numbers for recording and reporting purposes. Moreover, only the research team and transcribers who are bound to a confidentiality agreement will have access to the conversations. The recording of the interview and subsequent transcription will be kept on a secure U of M server. Data collected in this study will be retained for potential comparative research studies. A summary of the study’s results will be made available to you upon request.
What will happen to the information we collect about you after the study is over?
We will only use your email address to schedule the interview and to send you the honorarium. We will not collect your name or any other personally identifying information.
How will we compensate you for being part of the study?
Upon your completion of this study, you will receive a $25 Amazon gift card as a token of appreciation for your time and sharing your experience with us. This will be emailed directly to you at the email you provide us with while setting up the interview.
What are the costs to you to be part of the study?
Participation in this research study is at no cost to you.
Your Participation in this Study is Voluntary
It is totally up to you to decide to be in this research study. Participating in this study is voluntary. Even if you decide to be part of the study now, you may change your mind and stop at any time. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. If you decide to withdraw after the interview has begun, you will still receive the honorarium.
Contact Information for the Study Team and Questions about the Research
If you have questions about this research, you may contact the PI of this study:
Nazanin Andalibi, PhD
School of Information, University of Michigan
The University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board has determined that this research is exempt from IRB oversight.